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Enjoying Scheveningen in The Hague, Netherlands

It's not warm but the Scheveningen beach may offer other fun. We visited last week and there were a lot of kites, as usual, and the breeze was not warm but to inhale the breeze sometimes help the health and the change in the type of air breathes. I also posted something about this place some years ago, and a changes are on their way, there are so renovations going on. All the same, the shoreline is still usable without problem, one can enjoy and also the cafeterias and restaurants are there to everyone's rescue. Below are some of the fun moments collection..

Wellness Experience at Hévízi Tófürdő, the Thermal Lake in Heviz Hungary

While having the free time in this small city of Heviz, one cannot have anything more fun that eating and relaxing. Obviously, I gained 2000 grams for that stay that I luckily have shaken off by now. I took one of the Wellness Packages offered by the place and it was a package that include body peeling, body massage and jacuzzi bath. It lasted for about 2 hours.

It was a relaxing experience, I fell asleep after the rose-oil application and wrap after the peeling but it was okay.

It was also funny as I lost my list of schedule and other parts of the package. Thus, I went to the doorway afetr the first part of the package. Lucky enough, the reception guy told me I had to continue and my masseur was already waiting. I am thankful.

It was a relaxing experience, only that I could hear the cars' noise at the peeling room. The staff also do not speak Englisha and their German is also very limited. :=( It was difficult to comprehend what they're saying. The reception however is very good in English and in German. He's also very patient with the customers and offers his best service.